01 Application Areas
Trash skimming and recovery of plastic waste from water bodies is a complex problem as water bodies differ in size and shape. Potential engineering has developed solutions that can cater to both industrial and domestic needs. Mechanical screens are installed in every STP/ETP plant as part of the pre-treatment package. Trash skimmers are installed in any type of water body.
Aquatic Weed Removal
Plants are important components of the aquatic environment. When these plants grow in excess, they have detrimental effects on the water bodies and their inhabitants. Removal of aquatic weeds is essential to maintaining a healthy aquatic environment.
Floating Trash Removal
Floating trash pollution mainly comprises plastic waste. Plastic waste is floating trash that enters the sea and oceans through various water bodies. To recover plastic trash from seas and oceans is a gigantic task hence it is important to control floating trash at various levels before it enters the sea.