Working, Applications, and Advantages of Drum Skimmer

Working, Applications, and Advantages of Drum Skimmer

Drum skimmers are popular in use for industrial applications and oil spill control for a number of reasons such as high recovery rate, covering a large surface area reducing the time required for oil removal, and can operate in shallow waters.


Drum skimmers are lightweight and easy to operate and they come with an interchangeable drum insert such as smooth, grooved, and brush, which enhances recovery rate relative to oil viscosity and the environment.


How Does Drum Skimmer Work?


A drum skimmer is a rotary skimmer. The main component of this skimmer is the drum which rotates on the surface of the liquid. The oleophilic drum surface attracts the oil which sticks on its surface. The oil is scraped off from the drum surface and is collected in an integrated oil collection chamber. An oil transfer pump is installed to pump out the oil from the chamber. Thereby effectively separating oil from the liquid.


Drum skimmer can be of floating or fixed type as per requirement and it can be operated either manually or automatically.


Where is Drum Skimmer Used?


Drum Skimmer finds application in Oil Spill Response and Oily Water Treatment in various industries such as Oil & Gas, Water & Wastewater, Power, Steel, Marine, and Mining.


How Effective is Drum Skimmer in Oil Spills?


Oil spills call for quick response. In case of an oil spill that falls in the category of marine pollution drum skimmers are found to be most effective. It efficiently removes non-persistent oils such as gasoline, light types of diesel, and kerosene.


Large surface area coverage, high recovery rate, and ease of deployment and operation make it an ideal skimmer to expedite oil spill clean-up operations.


Some of the Key Features of a Drum Skimmer are:


1. Effective in three inches of water and above


2. Removes a wide range of light and medium viscous oil


3. Robust and light-weight construction


4. Easy to deploy and manoeuvre


5. Interchanged drum insert


6. Reduced waste disposal cost


7. Auto-adjusting wiper blades


The unique features and design of a drum skimmer have made it a popular choice.


Here are Some of the Key Advantages of a Drum Skimmer:


∙ Can be deployed in most spills


∙ Highly efficient: Recovers 95 percent oil. Reduces clean-up time in case of a spill.


∙Operates in shallow drafts: The drum skimmer operates in water levels as low as three inches making it the most suitable equipment in shallow waters near the shore.


∙ Reduced cost: High oil recovery rate ensures lower waste disposal cost


∙ Interchangeable drum inserts: Subject to the requirement an appropriate drum insert can be used


Drum skimmers are versatile and they might be the right choice for the oil removal/recovery solution you are looking for. Consult an expert to choose the right type of drum skimmer and to train your staff.


You may also be interested in information on Oil Skimmers: Working, Types and its Key Advantages


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)


Q1. Are there any regulations or guidelines for using oil skimmers?

A. Yes, there are regulations and guidelines for using oil skimmers, and they may vary by location and industry. It’s essential to consult local environmental regulations and industry-specific guidelines to ensure compliance with the proper use of oil skimmers.


Q2. How do oil water separators work and how effective are they in separating oil from water?

A.  Oil-water separators function by exploiting the density disparity between oil and water, guiding oil to the surface for removal, while permitting clean water to pass through. Their efficiency varies depending on design and operational conditions, but they are generally quite effective at significantly reducing oil content in water, making them valuable tools for environmental protection and compliance.


Q3. What are the benefits of using a mechanical bar screen over other types of screening systems?

A. Mechanical bar screens excel in efficiently removing large debris from wastewater, reducing clogs and equipment damage, and they are low-maintenance and reliable, which saves on operational costs, making them a preferred choice across industries.